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paysage sonore / Hiroko Komiya 日々の風景 音の風景 Daily scenery Sonic landscape by Hiroko Komiya ( sound, voice, object sound, music, live, performance, Butoh unit ) Italy / Japan

新作 New Collaboration release; Chris H Lynn and Hiroko Komiya

新曲のお知らせ / New track release 2021
新作 New Collaboration release; Chris H Lynn and Hiroko Komiya_b0200212_08543678.jpg
                      ©Framing sounds

" Rendezvous Cycles " by Chris H Lynn and Hiroko Komiya
listen from here >

Hiroko has started collaboration with US based artist Chris H Lynn / Framing sounds this spring 2021.
Chris is a moving image maker, sound artist, educator and curator. His digital images and Super 8 films explore the subtle rhythms of movement, light, and sound in urban and rural landscapes.
In this track, you can listen the sound of life magic of Brood X Cicada field recording by Chris with instrumental drones by Hiroko's Hungarian Citera. This periodical cicadas emerge only every 17years. Just during several weeks of life on the earth, they are born, make meeting, then finish their life and go back to the earth till next new birth.
Life and death and meeting. This beautiful rendezvous cycles are expressing the eternal transformation of life.

Info on Chris H Lynn/ Framing sounds; here

Soon more new tracks are coming! I am appreciating for this new collaboration.

" Rendezvous Cycles " by Chris H Lynn and Hiroko Komiya.
Listen >

今年2021年の春より、Chris H. Lynn/ Framing Soundsとのコラボレーションがはじまりました。

この曲は、ChrisのBrood X Cicadaと呼ばれる周期蝉のフィールドレコーディングに、Hirokoのハンガリアンチテラの弦楽器ドローンを重ね合わせてできた曲です。この周期ゼミは17年ごとにしか出現しません。そして、地上でのわずか数週間の生命の間に、出逢いがあり、そして命を終えて、次の17年後まで大地に戻るのです。生と死と出会い。循環するめぐり逢いは永遠に変容していく生命の形のようにも思えます。

Chris H Lynn/ Framing soundsについてはこの リンク


by paysage_sonore | 2021-07-09 09:27 | sound / music